One of the most important questions we hear when we’re advising other women is, “How do I keep up with all the things I need to do in my life?”

Here are some of the key strategies that women of the world have used to get it all done and to be the best version of them.

#1 – Focused on the job and people

Some of the most successful women in the world have focused on the job and people. They know that the job is the most important thing, but they also know that they need to be in a healthy relationship and have good friends.

Nancy Gibbs, the first female president of Time magazine, said, “I want to be a real person, but I want to do my job and I want to have people I can talk to about my job.”

You can have it all. You just need to focus on the right things.

#2 – Manage your time

You’ve heard it before, but it’s true. You just need to manage your time.

A lot of women are too busy and can’t get it all done. This is where you need to take control of your time. To do this, you need to be able to identify what is most important for you and what you can do first.

For example, if you want to travel and write a book, you need to give yourself permission to do that first. Then, you can start working on the book, or travel.

most of being a woman

#3 – Networks

If you’re a woman in business, networking is a must. You can meet the right people and learn a lot from them. A good network can help women interests to grow and lead a healthy business and your network can help you find more opportunities.

Nancy Pope, founder of Self-Reliance, said, “I met my husband at a networking event and we’ve been married for 30 years. I wouldn’t have met him if I hadn’t gone to the event.”

#4 – Have a plan and stick to it

This is one of the most important things you can do. Having a plan can help you accomplish a lot in life. A plan can help you stay focused and make sure you don’t forget anything.

Diane Burroughs, CEO of Burroughs Wealth Management, said, “I know exactly what I’m doing next and I know where I’m going.”

#5 – Find your tribe

You can meet people who are just like you and who you can relate to. You can be inspired and learn from them. You can learn a lot from people who have been where you are, who have you been through the same things have, and who can help you.

Alexandra Bruce, founder of Best Life Magazine, said, “I have a bunch of amazing women who are my tribe. They are there for me and they have supported me.”

A good network can help women interests

#6 – Don’t compare yourself

There are so many women in the world who are far more successful than you are. Don’t compare yourself to them. Each one will have different character and all women interests vary.

Diane Burroughs, CEO of Burroughs Wealth Management, said, “Don’t compare yourself to other people.”

You’re not going to be happy if you compare yourself to other people. You need to compare yourself to your own standards and your own goals.